

本义:词源意义;表达明确的空间含义 引申义:衍生含义;表达非空间含义

含义 例句
关于(外围;有涉及,非核心) I konw something about the rabbit.
大约(从外大范围大致数数) There are about 20 carrots.
针对(从外向内地解决) Let's do something about the problem.
某人某事有某种特征 There's something dangerous about the wolf.
到处(在外面来来回回) Stop running about!

Dinner is on me.晚餐我付钱(付账的重任在我身上)

The burden of paying for dinner is on me.

beyond 在...之外

It's beyond me. 我无法理解(某件事在我能理解的范围之外)

It is beyond the things that I can understand.这在我能理解的事情的范围之外。

in the sun.在阳光下 (包裹在阳光里)

dressed in white.穿着白衣服(in tne white clothes)

in English. 用英语(说的话写的字都在一堆英语中)



  • in the house
  • in the park
  • in the country There are some birds in the tree.(外部事物在树里)


  • on the table
  • on the floor There are some apples on the tree.(长在树上的)树上结着一些苹果


  • at the corner of the street.在街道拐角
  • The bus stopped at the bus station.



  • in a year
  • in the month
  • in the week
  • on that day
  • on Monday
  • on April 1
  • at 7 o'clock
  • at that moment

There are 60 minutes in an hour.一小时里有60分钟。
There are 60 minutes on an hour.

为什么是in the morning

I eat carrots in the morning.我在早晨吃胡萝卜(时间段) I saw the wolf on the morning of April 1.我在四月一日早晨看到了大灰狼(在四月一日早晨这个时间)

为什么是at noon

noon之前是morning,noon之后是afternoon。 noon是正午的意思(一个点)